Long-range transportation plans serve as a guide for building a multimodal transportation network in the region that addresses future needs and concerns.
The LRTP is used as the guide for how SUATS plans to invest in the area’s transportation system over a 25-year period. The LRTP includes both long-range and short-range strategies/actions that lead to the development of efficient roadways, public transportation, bicycle and pedestrian transportation, and freight connections.
What is an LRTP?
Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) identify current and future transportation needs in the region. The LRTP uses a 20+ year planning horizon to provide guidance for strategies and fiscally constrained transportation projects to meet the needs and wants of the area.
The Study Area
The SUATS MPO covers a roughly 200 square mile portion of Sumter County including the City of Sumter, and surrounding unincorporated areas, including Dalzell, Lakewood, Oswego, Stateburg, and portions of Wedgefield.
What does the SUATS 2050 LRTP include?
The LRTP is a multimodal strategy that includes a review of the current conditions and improvement recommendations for automobiles, bicycles, pedestrians, transit, and freight. The plan also addresses safety, congestion, and capacity.
What is an MPO?
A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a federally designated transportation planning area with a population of at least designated transportation planning area with a population of at least 50,000. The Sumter Area Transportation Study (SUATS) is the MPO for the region.